Free fire is one such game which is the most loved and played game right now, which is the most downloaded in the play store in here and now, which has recently crossed 100 Crore + downloads.
Due to this game youtube and many app have turned into a profession. Today you will tell about the best youtube gaming channel name i? The most popular youtuber of india in free fire community is total gaming? Now i tell you information about total gaming
Who is total Gaming -
Free fire community have many youtuber , but the most enjoyed youtuber of all in this is ajjubhai, ajju bhai is PC player of free fire, everybody knows him his youtube has 30 million subscribers whose genuine name is ajay and his home is in gujarat . Whose game name is ajjubhai Or everybody knows him by the name ajjubhai. There are absolute 1.7k Videos for example 1700 recordings in his youtube. His view is 5,342,935,703 . He gets in excess of 5 million perspectives in the entirety of his video
Total Gaming all channels-
1.AJJUBHAI GAMING - 6 lakh 27 thousand Subscribers
2.TOTAL GAMING - 30 lakh+ subscriber
3.AJJUBHAI - 6 lakh + Subscribers
4.TG HIGHLIGHTS - 10 lakh + Subscribers
5.TG TOURNAMENT - 3 lakh 37 thousand Subscribers
6. Total GAMING SHORTS - 1lakh 83 thousand Subscribers
Total Gaming free fire game stats-
Total gaming free fire I'd - 451012596
Battle royal squard gameplay -
Ajjubhai has played a total of 12808 games till date in the battle royale squad, in which Ajjubhai has won the game 3057 times. He has killed total 49701 enemy in life time. Total 18111 is killed by headshot in life time. His KD rate is 5.10 . Revives 2407 | Has come in the top 3 position in the game 4247 times. In Ak game, he has killed the highest 31 enemy.
Battel royal duo gameplay
Ajjubhai has played a total of 1825 games till date in the battle royale squad, in which Ajjubhai has won the game 356 times. He has killed total 7277 enemy in life time. Total 2581 has killed with headshot in life time. His KD rate is 4.95. Revives 380| Has come in the top 5 position in the game 679 times. He has done the highest kill in Ak game 27enemy.
Battel royal solo gameplay -
Ajjubhai has played a total of 1021 games till date in the battle royale squad, in which Ajjubhai has won the game 93 times. He has killed a total of 2595 enemy in life time. Total 874 is killed by headshot in life time. His KD rate is 2.80. Has come in the top 10 position in the game 293 times. In Ak game, he has killed the highest 32 enemy. His headshot rate is 33.58%.
Review ajju bhai lifetime kills and other information -
Ajjubhai Guild Name - TG MAFIA
Guild Identity - 60920276
Guild leader - TG-Fozy ajay
Guild Glory - 5183937
Total Gaming monthly earning -
-Youtubers never reveal their income anywhere, it has been found from social platform that ajjubhai earns monthly $561k to $897.3k.
If we see Indian ruppes, then this is their monthly income of about 40lakhs to 60lakhs .
About Total gaming (ajju bhai) song
Publish date 31 January 2022: India's greatest gamer, Total Gaming, release a music video for his fans ft. Smoke and Qaab. On Sunday, Total appeared into a music world with a melody called Fire which has effectively got 2.3 million view in a single video.